Front End Nexus

News and resources for web developers

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A weekly collection of carefully curated news from the web industry, major software updates and releases, and other useful information.

Banner for Front End News #108

Front End News #108 35 Years of Web, Speedometer 3, Chrome 123-124, Firefox 124-125, Vivaldi mobile 6.6, and more 17 aprilie 2024

It's the Web's 35th birthday. Test your browser with Speedometer 3. Browser News covers Chrome 123-124, Firefox 124-125, and Vivaldi mobile 6.6. The Release Radar targets Angular 17.3, Bun 1.1, Deno 1.42, ESLint v9, Gulp v5, WordPress 6.5, and more. We wrap things up with a collection of tools, utilities, images, and fonts for all your web design and development needs.

Banner for Front End News #107

Front End News #107 Apple vs the EU, Chrome 122, Firefox 123, MS Edge 122, Polypane 18, Safari 17.4, and more 11 martie 2024

Apple clashes with the EU. Interaction to Next Paint (INP) is the new Core Web Vital. Browser News covers Chrome 122, Firefox 123, MS Edge 122, Polypane 18, Vivaldi 6.6 for desktop, Safari 17.4, and Wolvic 1.6. The Release Radar covers Angular v17.2, Astro 4.3, Babel 7.24, Deno 1.41, jQuery 4.0.0 BETA, Redwood v7.0, TypeScript 5.4, and more. And the Web Resources for today include icons, gradients, generators, and some useful utilities.

Front End Resource Repository

You don't have to reinvent the wheel every time. Enhance your project with awesome assets and work smarter with handy tools and utilities. Here are the latest ones added to our repository.

Cover for SVGFM


A node graph builder for SVG filters

Cover for SVG Flag Icons

SVG Flag Icons

Explore over 200 optimized SVG country flag icons

Cover for SVG Encoder / Converter

SVG Encoder / Converter

A simple tool to convert an SVG into different formats

Cover for Specificity battle!

Specificity battle!

CSS Specificity calculator

Cover for Social Media Icons

Social Media Icons

A collection of free SVG social media icons

Cover for Nucleo Essential Icons

Nucleo Essential Icons

A carefully curated subset of the broader Nucleo icon library

Read the latest article

The 2023 Roundup of Advent Calendars for Designers and Developers

Another year, another round of advent calendars is upon us. Welcome everyone to the Fourth roundup of advent calendars for designers and developers.

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