Introducing Open Web Docs, the 2020 Internet Health Report, WebRTC and Firefox 85 | Front End News #015

Introducing Open Web Docs, the 2020 Internet Health Report, WebRTC and Firefox 85

— Front End News #015 | 1 February 2021 —

One month into 2021 and things are still mostly quiet on the web platform. It was now the turn for Firefox to roll an update. And the MDN Web Docs have a brighter future due to the Open Web Docs initiative. Developers all around the world can breathe a bit easier now. Furthermore, Mozilla published the 2020 Internet Health Report, and WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard.

Introducing Open Web Docs

Last year Mozilla laid off a large part of the team working on the MDN Web Docs. Naturally, the community was worried about the fate of the largest repository of documentation for the Web Platform.

Fortunately, some of the big names in the industry stepped forward to help to keep MDN afloat. Thus the Open Web Docs initiative was born. It runs on the platform offered by the Open Collective, and it allows for the collection of both one-time donations and recurring contributions.

Mozilla's 2020 Internet Health Report

For the fourth year in a row, Mozilla published the Internet Health Report. The 2020 edition contains a reflection on the year that passed, a set of facts and figures, and three spotlight articles that dive deeper into specific key issues: racial justice and software, labor and data, and social media transparency and accountability.

WebRTC is now a W3C and IETF standard

W3C and IETF adopted WebRTC as a standard last week. WebRTC is a set of technologies and standards giving browsers, mobile apps, and desktop apps real-time communication capabilities, typically used for video calling.

2021 Node.js User Survey

Are you a Node user? Do you want the developers to consider your opinion? Then you should participate in the 2021 Node.js User Survey.

Browser news


Firefox 85 rolled out last week to users all over the world. The main highlight of the update is the removal of Flash support. Other features include support for :focus-visible pseudo-class and <link rel="preload">. You can get

Software updates and Releases

Wrapping things up

That's all I have prepared for this issue. Have a great and productive week, keep yourselves safe, and I will see you next time!

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