Announcing the Deno Company, Polypane 5.1, Safari Technology Preview 123, and TypeScript 4.3 Beta | Front End News #024

Announcing the Deno Company, Polypane 5.1, Safari Technology Preview 123, and TypeScript 4.3 Beta

— Front End News #024 | 5 April 2021 —

The main topic of this issue is the creation of the Deno Company. Polypane 5.1 and Safari Technology Preview 123 are out. And the releases of the week include Next.js 10.1, npm 7.8.0, TypeScript 4.3 Beta, and more.

Announcing the Deno Company

The creators of Deno have announced that they have raised nearly 5 million dollars to create the Deno Company. The new entity will ensure the project has a full-time team working to improve the platform. Deno will remain permissively free and under MIT license so that all developers can make use of it.

Browser news


Polypane released another update over the last week. Version 5.1 brings over support for web components, a higher Chromium version, as well as many improvements to the Outline panel and Contrast checker.


Safari Technology Preview 123 is out, with a surprisingly short list of updates (most notably being some fixes to their flexbox implementation).

Software updates and Releases

Wrapping things up

That's all I have prepared for this issue. Have a great and productive week, keep yourselves safe, and I will see you next time!

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