Chrome has launched the UI fund, designed to provide grants for people who work on design tools, CSS, and HTML. Netlify wants you to revive your dusty domains and generate money for charity. Safari Technology Preview 136 is out, bringing for the CSS contain: paint
and flex-basis: content
properties. And the highlight of the updates section is Tailwind CSS v3.0.
Announcing the UI fund from Chrome
Chrome has launched the UI fund, designed to provide grants for people who work on design tools, CSS, and HTML. This includes writing specifications, accessibility work, and research, polyfills, tools, demos, or solving problems in key areas (scrolling, form elements, etc.).
Dusty Domains
Do you have domains gathering dust that you bought but never used? This December, you can give them life and help generate money for charity.
All you have to do is build a website, deploy it with Netlify before the end of the year, and Netlify and their partners will donate $450 to tech charity.
Browser news
There's a new Safari Technology Preview out. This update brings support for the CSS contain: paint
and flex-basis: content
properties and many fixes and improvements.
Software updates and releases
- CSSO 5.0.0 - CSS minifier with structural optimizations
- Dart Sass 1.45.0 - the reference implementation of Sass, written in Dart
- eslint-plugin-vue v8.2.0 - official ESLint plugin for Vue.js
- Mongoose 6.1.0 - MongoDB object modeling designed to work in an asynchronous environment
- OpenLayers v6.9.0 - a high-performance, feature-packed library for all your mapping needs
- Prettier 2.5.1 - an opinionated code formatter
- Tailwind CSS v3.0 - a utility-first CSS framework for rapid UI development
- V8Go v0.7.0 - execute JavaScript from Go
Wrapping things up
This is the last issue of 2021. I'm taking a break to spend the holidays with my family. I will be back with more Front End News in January. Meanwhile, don't forget to check your favorite Advent Calendars for more awesome content. And if you haven't picked one, I put together a great roundup for you:
That's about all I have for this update. If you enjoyed this newsletter, there are a couple of ways to support it. You can share the link to this issue on social media, and follow me on Twitter. Each one of these helps me out, and I would appreciate your consideration.
Have a great and productive holiday season, keep yourselves safe, spend as much time as possible with your loved ones, and I will see you again next year!