js13kGames 2024 edition, Stack Overflow 2024 and State of React 2023 Results, Interop 2024 updates, and more | Front End News #110

js13kGames 2024 edition, Stack Overflow 2024 and State of React 2023 Results, Interop 2024 updates, and more

— Front End News #110 | 16 august 2024 —

The 13th edition of js13kGames is open. We got the results for the Stack Overflow 2024 Developer Survey and the State of React 2023 survey. The Browser News start with updates on Interop 2024. We got updates from all major browsers, including Chrome 127, Firefox 128, Polypane 20.1, and Safari 17.6. On the Release Radar, we have Angular 18.1-18.2, jQuery 4 Beta 2, Meteor.js 3, TypeScript 5.6 Beta, and more. We wrap this issue with a set of resources, including gradients, illustrations, and image utilities.

js13kGames 2024

The 13th edition of js13kGames is open, and the theme is, unsurprisingly, Triskaidekaphobia, also known as "fear or avoidance of the number 13." Participants have until September 13th, 2024, to submit their work. If you have no idea how to integrate this year's theme, check out the announcement article for some suggestions.

Stack Overflow 2024 Developer Survey Results

Stack Overflow released the results of their 2024 Developer Survey. This year, over 65.000 people from 185 countries submitted their answers. Here are some of the highlights of this edition:

For more details, I invite you to prospect the complete interpretation of the results.

State of React 2023 Results

The State of React survey suffered the same long delay as its sister surveys, but we can finally explore the results. However, this means the survey did not cover React 19 and any other industry development that happened after November 2023.

πŸ’» Browser News

Web Platform Updates

Rachel Andrew is back with two announcements. One is the customary monthly update for June, and another is a mid-year update to the Interop 2024 program. Baseline Newly Available now includes the Popover API, advanced custom properties with @property, the font-size-adjust property, and text-wrap: balance.


Chrome 127 supports CSS font-size-adjust and the option to focus inside scrollable. DevTools allow you to inspect anchor positioning. The Source and Network panels have been improved, and there have been some quality-of-life improvements.

With Chrome 128, Console Insights by Gemini is going live in most European countries. Lighthouse jumps to version 12.1.0. The Performance panel got updated too, and there are multiple smaller fixes and improvements across the entire DevTools.


Firefox 128 brings text translation directly from the context menu. The interface for clearing user data is now cleaner (pun intended). @property and the CSS properties-and-values API are now supported by default. The CSS rules specificity is now displayed in the Inspector Rules view. A set of security fixes completes the package.

Firefox 129 brings an improved Reader View, an enhanced Text and Layout menu, and theme selection. You can hover over background tabs to preview their content. And, of course, more security fixes.


Polypane 20.1 brings a live accessibility tree and the option to copy/save SVGs directly from the page. The Meta and Elements panels have new features. The entire browser has improved performance, syncing features, and configuration.


Safari 17.6 brings safe alignment for Flexbox and a set of bug fixes.

πŸ“‘ The Release Radar

πŸ› οΈ Front End Resources

There's more where that came from. Explore the rest of the Front End Resource collection.

Wrapping things up

Ukraine is still suffering from the Russian invasion. To find ways to help, please read Smashing Magazine's article We All Are Ukraine πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡¦ or contact your trusted charity.

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That's all I have for this issue. Have a great and productive week, keep yourselves safe, and spend as much time as possible with your loved ones. I will see you again next time!

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