New WebKit features in Safari 15, introducing Material You, Photoshop's journey to the web, and Next 12 | Front End News #041

New WebKit features in Safari 15, introducing Material You, Photoshop's journey to the web, and Next 12

— Front End News #041 | 1 November 2021 —

We're taking a look at the new WebKit features that landed in Safari 15. You can now start converting your apps to the new Material You guidelines with the official documentation and migration guide. We learn about how Photoshop could have a web version. Safari Technology Preview 134 is now available, and Next 12 is the highlight of the software updates section.

New WebKit Features in Safari 15

Safari holds the unenvied position of having the slowest update cycle of all modern browsers. With the recent release of version 15, have you wondered what new features have landed? Disregarding the controversial redesign of the interface, here is a brief outline of the changes to the WebKit engine:

There is a lot more detail on all these additions, therefore I invite you to check the article Jen Simmons published:

Introducing Material You

Google announced Material You back in May at the Google I/O event. Now, we have the complete specification available to us. It includes a migration guide so that you can easily convert your app, website, or theme.

Photoshop's journey to the web

Adobe recently announced that beta versions of Photoshop and Illustrator can be used online, in a web browser. Of course, these versions will not have the same functionality as the desktop versions, due to the limitations of the environment. The major achievement is the evolution of the web platform that made this thing possible. And the Chrome team has a little story for us about this journey.

Browser news


There is more from the WebKit team this week, namely another Safari Technology Preview release. Update 134 brings over another long list of changes and here are just a few that caught my eye:

The full list is available in the official release notes linked below:

Software updates and releases

Wrapping things up

That's about all I have for this update. If you enjoyed this newsletter, there are a couple of ways to support it. You can share the link to this issue on social media, and follow me on Twitter. Each one of these helps me out and I'd appreciate your consideration.

Have a great and productive time, keep yourselves safe, and I will see you again next time!

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