W3C TPAC 2021 archive, Cypress v9, Deno 1.16, React Router v6, and more | Front End News #043

W3C TPAC 2021 archive, Cypress v9, Deno 1.16, React Router v6, and more

— Front End News #043 | 15 November 2021 —

It has been a very quiet week in the web industry. Therefore I decided to bring to your attention the W3C Plenary Meeting (TPAC 2021). This is the annual conference of W3C, and we can now explore the archive of the breakout sessions. We also have a few notable updates with Cypress v9, Deno 1.16, React Router v6, and more.

W3C TPAC 2021 Sessions

The Technical Plenary meeting (TPAC) is the annual conference of W3C. During that week, many W3C Working and Interest Groups gather, network, and try to resolve challenging technical or social issues.

We can now explore the archive of breakout sessions for this year's edition. It contains minute transcripts, slides, and video recordings of the sessions. Here are just a few topics that caught my attention:

I think this is a wonderful occasion to have a look at the way the modern web is built.

Software updates and releases

Wrapping things up

That's about all I have for this update. If you enjoyed this newsletter, there are a couple of ways to support it. You can share the link to this issue on social media, and follow me on Twitter. Each one of these helps me out, and I'd appreciate your consideration.

Have a great and productive week, keep yourselves safe, and I will see you again next time!

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