Microsoft Edge 2021 Retrospective, Safari Technology Preview 138, Deno 1.18, Node v17.4.0, and more | Front End News #049

Microsoft Edge 2021 Retrospective, Safari Technology Preview 138, Deno 1.18, Node v17.4.0, and more

— Front End News #049 | 24 ianuarie 2022 —

It has been a quiet week for the web industry. The Edge team published their 2021 retrospective, while WebKit released Safari Technology Preview 138. And the software updates and releases include Deno 1.18, Node v17.4.0, and more.

Looking back at Microsoft Edge for developers in 2021

The Microsoft Edge team published their own retrospective article, covering the advancement their browser made in 2021. Here are the main topics covered:

If you are interested in more details, be sure to check out the article below:

Browser news


Safari Technology Preview 138 is out and it brings some interesting features

For more details you should check out the official release notes:

Software updates and releases

Wrapping things up

That's about all I have for this issue. If you enjoyed this newsletter, there are a couple of ways to support it. You can share the link to this issue on social media, and follow me on Twitter. Each one of these helps me out, and I would appreciate your consideration.

Have a great and productive week, keep yourselves safe, spend as much time as possible with your loved ones, and I will see you again next time!

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