Firefox 109, Safari 16.3, Safari TP 162, Astro 2.0, Node v19.5.0, TypeScript 5.0 Beta, and more | Front End News #089

Firefox 109, Safari 16.3, Safari TP 162, Astro 2.0, Node v19.5.0, TypeScript 5.0 Beta, and more

— Front End News #089 | 30 January 2023 —

In this issue, we talk about the release of Firefox 109, Safari 16.3, and Safari Technology Preview 162. There are many blips on the release radar, including Astro 2.0, Node v19.5.0, TypeScript 5.0 Beta, and more. Last, but not least, I've added a larger than usual set of resources, to compensate for the lack of news.

Browser news


Mozilla released Firefox 109 on January 17. Manifest Version 3 extension support is now enabled by default. The native HTML date picker can now be used only with a keyboard. Developers can start making use of the scrollend event and you can add tick marks to any input type="range".


Safari 16.3 is the latest update to the main browser of the Apple ecosystem. There are no major new features, but the release provides multiple bug fixes.

On the other hand, Safari Technology Preview 162 does include some exciting new features. This includes CSS Nesting, CSS relative color syntax, and CSS margin-trim. Declarative Shadow DOM will be enabled by default, there are lower per-process WebSocket connection limits, and many bugs have been fixed.

Software updates and releases

Front End Resources

There's more where that came from. Explore the rest of the Front End Resource collection.

Wrapping things up

Ukraine is still suffering from the Russian invasion - if you are looking for ways to help, please check Smashing Magazine's article We All Are Ukraine 🇺🇦 or get in touch with your trusted charity.

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That's all I have for this issue. Have a great and productive week, keep yourselves safe, spend as much time as possible with your loved ones, and I will see you again next time!

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