Front End News

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Firefox 97, Vivaldi 5.1, Safari Technology Preview 140, Ember.js 4.2.0, Node v17.5.0, npm 8.5.0, and more Front End News #052 13 February 2022

This issue is once more dominated by browser news. Firefox 97 is rolling out - make sure your browser received de update. Vivaldi released version 5.1 for both desktop and Android users. Mac users can now try Safari Technology Preview 140. And the software updates include Ember.js 4.2.0, Node v17.5.0, npm 8.5.0, and more.

Introducing Wolvic, a New Chrome Logo, Chrome 98, Edge 98, Polypane 8, Safari 15.4 Beta, and more Front End News #051 7 February 2022

Mozilla transfers Firefox Reality to Igalia, to become Wolvic, the next XR browser. Chrome got a new logo. Chrome 98 and Edge 98 updates are out. Firefox published a post-mortem to their January outage. Polypane has reached version 8. You can now try Safari 15.4 Beta. And the updates of the week are Angular 13.2, Babel 7.17.0, Electron 17.0.0, ESLint v8.8.0, WordPress 5.9, and more.

What’s New In DevTools in January 2022, Safari Technology Preview 139, TypeScript 4.6 Beta, npm v8.4.0, and more Front End News #050 31 January 2022

Find out all the cool things that arrived recently in your browser's DevTools. The WebKit team released Safari Technology Preview 139. And the software updates include npm v8.4.0, TypeScript 4.6 Beta, and more.

Microsoft Edge 2021 Retrospective, Safari Technology Preview 138, Deno 1.18, Node v17.4.0, and more Front End News #049 24 January 2022

It has been a quiet week for the web industry. The Edge team published their 2021 retrospective, while WebKit released Safari Technology Preview 138. And the software updates and releases include Deno 1.18, Node v17.4.0, and more.

Compat 2021 Update, Chrome 97, Firefox 96, Safari 15.2, Ember 4.0, Jasmine 4.0, and more Front End News #048 17 January 2022

Compat 2021 brought better cross-browser compatibility. Chrome 97, Firefox 96, Safari 15.2, and Safari Technology Preview 137 rolled out to users. Ember 4.0, Jasmine 4.0.0, and the Node January Security Updates lead the updates section.

Announcing the UI fund, Dusty Domains, Safari Technology Preview 136, and Tailwind CSS 3 Front End News #047 13 December 2021

Chrome has launched the UI fund, designed to provide grants for people who work on design tools, CSS, and HTML. Netlify wants you to revive your dusty domains and generate money for charity. Safari Technology Preview 136 is out, bringing support for the CSS `contain: paint` and `flex-basis: content` properties. And the highlight of the updates section is Tailwind CSS v3.0.

The 2021 Web Almanac, State of the Browser sessions, 2021 Advent Calendar Roundup, Vivaldi 5.0 Front End News #046 6 December 2021

We can now start exploring the 2021 Web Almanac. The talks from the State of the Browser conference are now available online. And I put together a roundup of this year's Advent Calendars dedicated to designers and developers. We're getting a preview of both the new DevTools in Chrome 97 and the new sandboxing technology in Firefox 95. Vivaldi launched version 5 for desktop and Android. Last but not least, the software releases include Node v17.2.0, npm v8.2.0, and more.

What's coming in WordPress 5.9, Edge 96, ESLint 8.3, Prettier 2.5, and React Redux 8 beta Front End News #045 28 November 2021

Today we're looking at the upcoming version 5.9 of WordPress. The Edge 96 release notes are available. And the software updates section includes ESLint 8.3, Prettier 2.5, React Redux 8 beta, and more.

Lighthouse 9.0, Web Almanac 2021, Brave Wallet, Chrome 96, Firefox Relay, Safari Technology Preview 135, and more Front End News #044 22 November 2021

Lighthouse 9.0 is now available. The Web Almanac 2021 released 7 of their chapters. Brave launched Brave Wallet. Chrome 96 brings fixes to 25 security issues. Firefox Relay is a new tool to protect your privacy. Safari Technology Preview 135 is out. Last, but not least, Electron 16 and TypeScript 4.5 are the important releases of this issue.

W3C TPAC 2021 archive, Cypress v9, Deno 1.16, React Router v6, and more Front End News #043 15 November 2021

It has been a very quiet week in the web industry. W3C opened up the archive for the TPAC 2021, their annual conference. The notable updates are Cypress v9, Deno 1.16, React Router v6, and more.