Front End Resources

For Front-End Developers and Designers
Cover for Lumni


Free AI-generated stock photos and royalty-free images

Cover for Hex Colors

Hex Colors

Free color tools, palettes, and color schemes

Cover for Gradientor


A minimalist, beautiful Radial Background Generator

Cover for Figma Checklists

Figma Checklists

A set of benchmarks to elevate the design and quality of your Figma components

Cover for CSSmatic


The ultimate CSS tools for web designers

Cover for AI Color Combination Generator

AI Color Combination Generator

Generate color combinations for any project using AI

Cover for SVGFM


A node graph builder for SVG filters

Cover for SVG Flag Icons

SVG Flag Icons

Explore over 200 optimized SVG country flag icons

Cover for SVG Encoder / Converter

SVG Encoder / Converter

A simple tool to convert an SVG into different formats

Cover for Specificity battle!

Specificity battle!

CSS Specificity calculator

Cover for Social Media Icons

Social Media Icons

A collection of free SVG social media icons

Cover for Nucleo Essential Icons

Nucleo Essential Icons

A carefully curated subset of the broader Nucleo icon library

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